Thursday, November 5, 2009


The music of the 80's for me is very good music because the rhythm is fairly soft and the words are most clear and romantic. my favorite group from they 80's is BEE GEES. This is, for me the best music. Modern music today is different from from the music of the 80's, and I do not understand the words or the rhythm.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Dear friend, I now you do not feel so good these days about your girlfriend, but you need to move on. Its better for you to go out with friends. And you need to stop calling her. Maybe she needs some to think about you. But don't worry. If she loves you, maybe she will come back again. Well friend, if you want some company, don't forget we are at the sports club.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Love is the most important, quality for good harmony in any group or family, because it is the basis for the best society. The reason for this is that love in society makes the world one. I think that every body must take responsibility it love is to change the world.


love is the most important, quality for good harmony in any group or family, because it is the basis for the best society .
The reason for this is that love in society makes the world one. I think that every body must take responsibility it love is to change the world.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


In my family everybody is happy because this year my daughter got her high school diploma and that is a great event in our family. I hope she will go to college next year and study the profession the she would like. This event is fruit of the good relationship between the mother and the daughter, because at this time a lot of teenager do not finish high school. as our constitution says we want a more perfect union and thank you, God for giving it to us.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A difficul Injury recovery

In my family, I have on experience with injury. one day when my son was playing at Zamora park he ran and fell and broke his arm . Hi spent two months with his arm in a cast. It was a difficult time for him and for our family. his fully recovered and normal now, thank god.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The most important to read for me as health at learn most new word and health me for my pronunciation, and spelling good the word and take good sentences, this health I take one very good conversation, a lot doctor recommended read to mosh because is good for the brain and can maintenance one good salute mental .